Health­care Work­ers and First Respon­ders select­ed for Cham­ber of Com­merce 2020 Civic Hon­oree Award

February 15, 2021

On February 11, 2021, the Jacksonville-Onslow Chamber of Commerce held their annual event to present several awards to individuals in the community for their service. These individuals represent those who invest in their communities through their own selfless acts of support and personal commitments to furthering our community. The Chamber of Commerce Civic Honoree award was provided last night to ALL Healthcare workers and ALL first responders in Onslow County in recognition of their selfless commitment to the safety, health and well being of every member of our community. Our community recognizes the sacrifices that they have made this past year and continue to make.

To see Penney Burlingame Deal, President and CEO of Onslow Memorial Hospital, present this award, please watch here: