Com­mu­ni­ty Involvement

Onslow Memorial is your community hospital. We feel obligated and honored to support you and the rest of the people of Jacksonville and Onslow County in ways beyond just providing immediate medical care. While we take on the role of being the main healthcare provider and source of information for the community, we also rely on the people we serve. It's a mutual relationship that depends on the hospital and stakeholders listening and learning from each other, and working together to create positive change. To strengthen our relationships with stakeholders, Onslow offers various avenues for engagement. We encourage you to explore this section and find ways to help us define and achieve our community healthcare goals.

Upcoming Events

Onslow Memorial Hospital regularly partners with organizations in the community. Check out some upcoming events that we will host or support.

Community Benefit Report

This report provides a snapshot of the community benefits provided by Onslow Memorial Hospital and highlight the collaborative partnerships that make it possible to effectively promote health and wellness in our community.

2024 Community Benefit Report

2023 Community Benefit Report