

Your visit to Onslow Memorial Hospital or one of its affiliated practices will typically be coordinated by your physician. Please confirm this has been done on your behalf. Also, be observant of any pre-appointment instructions you may have been given by your doctor regarding diet, medication or anything else. Your doctor may also ask you to bring certain information, such as lab results, with you to your hospital appointment. If you are unable to keep an appointment, please call and notify the department you had the appointment with at least 24 hours in advance. Provide them with the name of your physician and date and time of the appointment you are cancelling. Please be prepared, if possible, to reschedule your appointment on this call to stay on track with your healthcare plans.


You do not need an appointment for an unplanned emergency visit. Please directly proceed to the Emergency Department's admissions desk to check in. For more about Emergency Services please see this page.


To familiarize yourself with parking and specific destinations within the Onslow Memorial Hospital campus, please refer to our Parking & Locations map.

Upon arrival, check in at the Registration Desk in the Outpatient Waiting Area. If you are a returning patient you will be asked for:

  • A valid photo identification card
  • Current insurance information (your insurance card is fine)
  • A co-payment if required depending on your insurance plan

New patients (your first visit) should arrive 30 to 45 minutes prior to their appointment. In addition to presenting the above items it will be necessary to complete all patient information forms necessary to register at the hospital.

See "Insurance" tab on this web page for specific information about coverage and claims. Payment for medical and surgical services are expected at the time of service. Onslow Memorial Hospital accepts cash, check, Discover, MasterCard and Visa.